How to generate an End User License Agreement (EULA)
Premium subscription holders are able to generate an End User License Agreement (EULA) from their Download History. An EULA is a contract between the licensor (Videvo) and the user, stating what the content can and cannot be used for. Users can download this to support their rights in counterclaims on Youtube, or to act as proof of authenticity when utilising clips in larger projects.
To download an EULA, please navigate to your accounts Download History. From here you will see an option to Download End User License Agreement in the top left corner. Please note that before selecting the clips, If you have not entered your full name in your account settings you may see a prompt in the top right corner asking that you fill this information in first.
Once you have clicked on the Download Agreement option you can manually select the items from your download history that you wish to include. These can only be generated per page on your history so if you need to see more items per page you will need to select the dropdown and increase the number of items per page.
Once you have clicked on the number of items that you need, click on the Create license button that appears on the top right.
After a short while the license will be generated and a download will start.
Items not covered by the EULA include content under the Creative Commons 3.0 license, the Public Domain license, and the NASA license. These are governed by different agreements which can be found linked here